Summer Solstice
Today is the longest day of the year, mid summer, the summer solstice and a new moon - quite a powerful line-up as usual for this season. Traditionally fires would be lit, parties and festivals (in Scandinavia they still celebrate with a national holiday) held and general festivities all around. Being in touch with the changing seasons is actually quite important and unfortunately nearly forgotten.
The inside of your body, especially the gut and digestive tract undergoes similar or the same yearly alterations as the seasons move on. It can grow thinner during the fall and winter and thicker with higher levels of organisms during spring and summer. All of nature is and should be reflected back from the inside out.
Rocket and salad leaves in pots outside my door - ready to party!
When this is not the case, we run into a host of problems not only with our digestion, but with health and life overall. To lose touch with nature and her wonders is to distance ourselves from our essence and indeed does lead to illness and depression.
There are many ways to take steps towards getting back in touch with your body, mind and spirit - some of the most basic ones being removing sugar, alcohol, caffeine and other drugs that over stimulate the adrenal glands and deplete the body's nutrient resources. Other ways might be to get outside and walk with purpose - listen, smell, watch and allow nature to surround your senses taking her into you.
You are not the separate being that you feel to be - you are one with the earth. Isn't it time to get back into your wonderful body, find yourself and take back your inner wisdom and power?
Yesterday in the herb garden my daughter was giving me a lesson on talking to the plants - she informed me that if I wanted to talk to them, I had to lean over, close my eyes and listen. It was that simple.
And all of life is that simple. Happy Mid Summer!