Moving On...
We are only 1 day and half off of our Master Cleanse and already we have moved on - the transition was much faster this time round perhaps because it is summer and the weather is a little warmer. Or maybe it helps that we are busy in the garden and not really giving it much thought otherwise!
It also makes a huge difference that we have our upcoming feast to plan for Mid Summer and much to look forward to in the next week or so. For each of us, the MC meant something different as we go through the days and stages of the detox in various ways, however, the final outcome was the same - improved energy, brighter outlook and renewal in mind and body.
Evening Primrose in my garden yesterday
I also plan to jump right back into my day on/day off food and fasting regimen as well, because this is when I feel at my best and I want to keep that feeling. Today and perhaps this coming few weeks now, my focus will be on more and different exercise as well as some out door activities, my body just feels ready for some significant changes.
And change is ultimately what any of this work is all about - it doesn't matter if you are only starting out or have been at this for years in one form or another- there is always more to learn, more to understand and another road to travel down. Life is great when looked at through clear eyes.
Today I am hoping for some sun (I know its up there in the sky somewhere!) and am busy with other projects - while my mind is still reflecting back over these 10 days. I can tell you one thing about it right now - a piece of our soul came back, something significant, life altering and fantastic.
Now, it just needs some time to unfold as it moves fully into its' place. Work well done.
Have a lovely day,