Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in healing
Working Through An Energy Block - Finding the Positive 

Today has been a day of change (again!) not in a huge way…but just the subtle under currents have been shifting around. This of course will create major changes on the surface in due time.

One thing I have caught myself saying several times a day lately is “I don’t know’. Actually this is something new for me, mostly because I firmly believe that I do know, my body knows and the information comes up to the surface as I need it.

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Breaking the Silence - It's Not All Bad....

Open up any newspaper these days and listen to any program on the radio or television – and you will hear the exact same thing you heard 5 years ago, 15 years ago and perhaps 50 years ago….

The bad news – crime, wrong-doing, pillaging, violence, sickness and a complete lack of good. It’s all there, nothing apparently changes and what a mess we are in (according to those who try to control the airwaves).

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The Spark of Life Moves From Cell to Cell Like Pixie Dust 

The end of another fast – what a feeling to reach the appointed day and time – it’s like crossing a finish line. With as many struggles, hills and valleys as any runner might encounter.

But, it’s always worth it. At least it seems to be so far, a few hours into it. We have many happy memories now of these mini celebrations we hold at the end of each of our detoxes, fasts and cleanses.

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Pure Earth Energy - Healing With Water

Some of the worst things I have done to my body over the years I used to think have all involved medication of some sort – usually antibiotics. I never (thankfully) took any other kind of drugs…the medication (not that much) did enough damage all on it’s own.

And I can say without any doubt – those drugs did far more harm to my body then any amount of poor food, high stress, overwork and whateverelse I put my body, mind and spirit through for decades of my life.

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Have We Become Spiritual Slaves? 

Whenever someone else’s energy enters into my world it wrecks havoc with my own energy reserves and I end up feeling like them (I feel their emotions and physical symptoms). Right now I am sitting here with a massive headache and I just realized something….

This severely depleted feeling coming from a spiritual aspect or nature is not mine. I had been ‘owning’ it for weeks now (perhaps years?) only to finally realize, yes I have been through the mill when it comes to life, however, I am more then able for walking this path.

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