Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in healing
Knowledge is Power - "Justified True Belief"

I don’t know about you, but I happen to know everything. 

Yep, just ask me (or my husband!) – I either know it already or will find it out shortly. I am an intuitive and I know many things about life, my body and all that takes place here in these spaces in between. 

You might think I am saying this tongue in cheek – and I am for the most part. However there is one part of me that is quite serious. My body has shown me over and over again – that every little thing I need to walk this human, spiritual, earthly path from start to finish – I already know. 

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Ghosts In the Machine.... 

October seems to be the appropriate time of year to be discussing some other aspects of our energetic make-up here on this planet – being the month of darkness, change and ending with Samhain - it’s a good time to talk about energy vampires. 

Now, there are several types of people who are drainers, users and the run of the mill waste of space. Not all of these people are former humans, but enough of them are – just look at the current preoccupation with all things dead, paranormal, ghost, vampire and alien. 

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Magic - Walking Towards the Light

As an Intuitive I am always looking for the connection between our physical reality (food, flesh and blood) and these other worlds (energetic, emotional and spiritual realms). They are not mutually exclusive from each other – nor should they be – many of us walk in other worlds as writers and dreamers.

Once a link has been established, between these dimensions – information exchange, healing and real living can begin. We are multi-dimensional beings for a reason, with access to sources of energy potential, such as magic. 

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To Medicate or Not- It’s Not a Question, It’s a Lifestyle 

This might be a bit of a delicate subject for some – however good I am at being gentle and tip toeing my way around things when needs be… this is not one of the topics where I could do that. Not in good conscience anyway. So, I will just jump in and tell it as I see it. 

I meet people all the time who want to believe they can keep their feet firmly in both camps when it comes to medication and the use of drugs. This is actually one of the first lessons I was taught by my body – you will have to make a choice and then stick firmly with that decision. 

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10 Ways to Protect Yourself In the Healing Professions

Walking the spiritual path can and should be part of life’s purpose for many of us at this time on earth, however, our support system, security and protection have been eroded by neglect, misinformation and energetic interference. If you find yourself feeling drained, tired and worse at the end of your day, there is something you can do about it. 

Safety starts with shoring up our energy fields, taking exquisite care of our bodies and clearing our working and living space. If you are ready to begin the process of improving your level of safety, shoring up your spiritual boundaries and learning how to protect yourself (on every level) until you reach your destination – this is the place to begin. 

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It is Time to Take Your Safety Seriously - Walking The Spiritual Path

I have often thought about this and indeed have been asked by many over the years, if I was to give just one piece of advice for someone walking the spiritual path - what would it be? If this was to be the last time that I was able to speak freely, to write a note for those of you making your way along these roads, there isn't too much that I would focus on - just safety.

Of course, this is an entire subject in and of itself. I remember the days way back when I used to 'have fun' doing Reiki, energy healing, readings and general work of energy medicine with out giving any thought to the fact that I was entirely unsafe. 

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Should I Be Working (as a therapist) When I'm 'Unwell'?

To work or not to work when feeling unwell, sick, in crisis, not coping or generally not yourself, that is the question and one that I get asked fairly often. Of course, this is perhaps unique to each person's situation, but there are definitely people out there who should not be working and are, and those who take a break from work and shouldn't.

How's that for an answer? Not good enough yet. So, let's think this through a little bit further here as I go back to my old standby of looking up the definition of the word work - an expenditure of energy. That's certainly interesting as we are already talking about energy here.

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Self Blame

'Don't sweat the small things' is a quote that was going through my mind recently when I encountered an issue with a project that I was working on (something that had taken me a very long time). However, the problem did not originate with me, but on another level, yet my reaction was very interesting because I blamed myself and internalized the negativity.

A huge pattern had surfaced.

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Pulling Out of The Recession

Today I am on my third day of a mini cleanse - I do them often and have incorporated fasting into my life to help me get where I want to go as well as to keep the energy positive and moving forward. I just mentioned to someone once again that fasting and following The Pagan Diet (which is so much more than just fasting!) has changed my life and pulled us out of the recession.

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Why Is This So Difficult?

I have spoken with a few people over these past few weeks and there seems to be one main theme amongst those who are trying to walk a spiritual path - that this is hard and perhaps it has gotten harder over the last while.

Right now there just seems to be so many opposing forces within each of us and of course swirling around us that are attempting to derail people on their journey. In many instances these forces succeed at least for a time as we can often become side tracked by situations and drama.

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